Thursday, February 01, 2007

What's that sound?

some refelctions from wedensday night worship: Jan 31, o7

Threshold of hearing: 0 decibels
Rustling of leaves: 10 decibels
Whisper: 20 Decibels
Normal Conversation: 60 decibels
ipod at max level: 100 decibels
Scremo concert front row: 110 decibels
threshold of pain: 130 decibels
piercing of the eardrum: 160 decibels

There is one sound that gets God's attension, that draws God's ears.

There is one sound that shakes hell, but no darkness can ever drown out.

There is one sound that makes a sick and broken world wake up from their slumber.

The sound of a generation living their lives sold out to God.

What sound is your life making?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Iron Chef, the cooking begins

Don't get too frusterated Jaime!
Gilrs who are serious about winning.
Mac and Cheese: don't burn the milk!
Joel's team made some 'just-like-your-grandma-used-to-make-it-on-cold-winter-days' mac and cheese as well as some healthy and delicious frozen yogurt and crushed bran cereal dessert. (The dessert was the surprise of the night-- very delicious and not too fattening!)
Carolyn's team made funny face pizzas (mushroom noses, green pepper mustachios, olive eyes etc) and a cran-apple crsip with vanilla iced cream (need I say more?) the end, Carolyn's team with their delecatble pizzas and diabolical crist won the day, with Jaime winning the award as TCC's Iron Chef 2007!
And I knew, as I was being waited on hand and foot...
... sitting with Carolyn eating scrumptious food, I knew that I have the best job in the world.

TCC's Iron Chef 2007

The ovens were hot, the aprons were on, and the tables were set in preparation of an epic clash of culinary titans in the legendary struggle of the ages to determine who would be.... TCC's Iron Chef.

Friday, December 15, 2006

So here is a smattering of phots from our time in LA/Mexico. As you can see, lots of good times as a group, chillin down by the ocean (you couldn't swim in it because of a sewage leak nearby), great times with orphan kids, helping out a local church by painting, kids programs. All in all glory times.

TCC's Year in Review

Here are a few of the highlights of the past 6 months in the world of tcc youth (in no paticular order):

-biking in Nordegg with Michael, getting into the abandoned mine, eating spits on the bridge, home-meade pie
-missions trip to Mexico, "So I'll stand" in LA, "The Woman" drama, that pastor in Mexico getting healed (!), balloon sword fights with the kids, Joel getting locked out of the dorms, no one being able to say Terwillegar, what was the name of our leader from South Africa?
-getting muddy in the Corn Maze
-kick ball at Laurier (boys rule again)
- great times at Camp Caroline High School camp
-worshipping together on Wednesday nights
-eigthies prom night (need I say more?)
-gift exchange, again with sword fights over homer smpson statuette
-Carolyn caroling to complete strangers on Candy Cane Lane (bonus points for who can name the literary device used in this line)

So altogether, it has been a great couple months. I hope you have enjoyed the ride!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Update from Joel

Many of those who were regularly checking this blog to see updates have been regularly disappointed by my lack of posting.

I am sorry.

So, here goes:

Life is going pretty good around here. The weather has turned for the better, leaves on the trees, sunshining, etc. (This is how cool I am...I have an opportunity to say something that the whole world can read and understand, here's my moment to finally express myself...and I talk about the weather.)

The highlights:
Watchmen for the Nations:
I am involved in this watchmen monitoring/prayer group which is consistently munching me. (Munching is a good thing. It describes the feeling/impact of the Holy Spirit moving very powerfully in your heart/mind/life.) God has spoken some very deep things to me in these past few weeks concerning my destiny and my heart. It's funny...When God spekas, its not like He gives all the answers, but instead He assures me of his presence with me and his purpose for me. Its good, it points me away from myself and onto Him. Which is a very good thing.
So with this group I am going on a bit of a road trip next week--10 days in BC. I am really anticipating a sweet time with the Lord.

Changes Keep Falling Like Sundshine Like Rain

Well, I am entering a huge transition time in my life: all my roomates are leaving within the next 2 weeks! Again, God brings deep brothers into my life and then takes them away. I fell like by the time this journey in life is over, I am going to have deep brothers and sisters scattered all over the globe.... that is a very sweet thought. Imagine taking a trip around the globe and stopping into so many cities and seeing people you love but you have't seen is so long..that would be awesome. Some day... I guess its kind-of like the feeling that Paul had when he said that he longed to see the church in Philipi or Corinth. Following God doesn't always mean you see your heart friends all the time.

Pray for me!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Joel explores a new world--the internet! Episode 1: Podcasts

So I discovered something new today: Podcasts.

A podcast is an online video or audio clip that you can automatically download weekly or daily to get your fix of humor, news or occasional advice from a ninja.

Anyone out there a podcast fan?

Does anyone else feel like when they get into 'internet-land' they enter into a very weird place full of strange and mysterious things. Its like entering into the mind of a geek. Well, the harsh reality is: Geeks definitely rule the world and we had better all do whatever we can to suck up to them.

So, like I said, I'm getting into podcasts--anyone out there got one to recommend?

Monday, January 23, 2006

Kutless Concert!

Well here is what we are doing this week for youth group:

Going to the Kultess concert! Its going to be sweet.

Heres a preview:

Tickets are 10 bucks, we are meeting at TTown Tim Hortons at 730.

See you there!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

On the way to Sr. High camp! Posted by Picasa

What Time is it? It's Time to Start Blogging

Well, you know me, a bigtime bandwagon jumper. So, here I am finally catching on to this blogging thing.

Sometimes I wonder, am I that much behind the times? Then I talk to a few of the wonderful youth at TCC and they constantly remind me: "man you're old".

Like, anyone here remember My Pet Monster?

I didn't think so.

So, that being said, tune in to occasional rants, reflections and.... (what's another r-word?) and recollections as we journey together though the land of blogging.